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JPS Educators Added to Mississippi Teacher Advisory Council

September 5, 2024

Alexandra Drake

Jason Eifling

Stacey Jules-Dunn

Alexandria Drake

Jason Eifling

Stacey Jules-Dunn

Rhonda Murphy-Johnson

Margaret Price

Barquita Stanton

Rhonda Murphy-Johnson

Margaret Price

Barquita Stanton

Cassaundra Watkins



Cassaundra Watkins




The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) announced the addition of 45 new members to its Mississippi Teacher Advisory Council in August. Among this esteemed group of school professionals are seven educators from Jackson Public Schools. They are:

  1. Alexandria Drake, JPS-Tougaloo Early College High School
  2. Jason Eifling, Bailey APAC Middle School
  3. Stacey Jules-Dunn, Shirley Elementary School
  4. Rhonda Murphy-Johnson, Jackson Middle College
  5. Margaret Price, Oak Forest Elementary School
  6. Barquita Stanton, Spann Elementary School
  7. Cassaundra Watkins, McWillie Elementary School

Formed in 2016, the MTAC, now includes 195 educators representing schools in urban and rural settings and an array of content areas, including general education, arts, special education and career and technical education.

The purpose of the council is to provide feedback to Dr. Lance Evans, state superintendent of education, on the initiatives of the MDE, the Mississippi State Board of Education and the Mississippi Legislature. Dr. Evans will meet regularly with these teachers throughout the year. The MTAC aims to empower teachers to discuss topics critical to their success in the classroom and inform MDE about ways it can assist.