About Shirley
Shirley Elementary is one of 23 elementary schools in the Jackson Public School District. It serves students in grades pre-K-5.
At The New Shirley Elementary, we strive to build and provide scholars with prepared quality learning experiences to meet the demands of college and career that support every scholar’s growth academically, emotionally, and socially to engage as productive citizens of the world!
At The New Shirley Elementary, our students know how to read, write, speak, and think about grade level content and we also know that our students won’t gain these skills if we do the work for them. We check the ratio of teacher work to student work in each lesson and ensure that our students get many opportunities to be critical thinkers, readers, writers and speakers, offering our support and feedback to help them find success. Our goal is to foster a community of learners who see themselves as capable and prepared to navigate and contribute to the world confidently.Shirley Elementary School Namesake
Dr. Aaron Shirley (1933–2014), a native Mississippian, became the first African-American resident at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in 1965. He became a physician and served as an associate professor of pediatrics at the medical center. Dr. Ollye Shirley (1934–2016) was a long-serving member of the JPS Board of Trustees, including serving as President of the Board. She assisted in a significant School Board referendum that allowed the District to expand and improve its facilities.
School Profile
Motto: We are a Rainbow of Possi"B"ilities, Make Everyday Count, because Greatness is in our DNASchool Colors: Red, White, and BlueStudent Uniforms: Students may wear Navy or White colors as part of the school uniform Monday-Friday. Khaki or Navy pants, skirts and dresses may also be worn with shirts with the for mentioned colors. Students may wear the Red color polo shirts on Friday Only.*Jeans are only to be worn on special occasions. A note will be sent home in advance for these special days.