J-TECHS Morning Announcements

  • Tougaloo College Fall 2021 Final Exam Schedule


    Final exams are scheduled to take place Friday, December 10,- Thursday, December 16, 2021. While some professors may choose not to give and/or exempt students from the final exam, make sure you are aware of what is expected and required for your course(s).  Please be sure to make plans to attend all finals that are scheduled for your respective classes.  Exams may not be held during your traditional class meeting time. 

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
  • College Algebra and Trigonometry Exams

    • Professor Allen has requested that all early college College Algebra and Trigonometry students report to campus the week of November 15-19, 2021 
    • If you are virtual, you are only required to come to school for your specified test time.  As all students must take this exam face to face, no makeup sessions will be offered.  Please make plans to attend.
    • Your scheduled time and location for your was emailed to you by Mrs. Molden on November 5, 2021 and is also available on the school’s website

    CA and Trig Exam Schedule

    CA and Trig Exam Schedule

    College Algebra and Trigonometry Exam Schedule

  • Tougaloo College has tutors available to assit you with coursework.


    The tuorial sessions are offered each month. Full-time college students will need to check their email for information regarding how to scheudle an appointment with a tutor. Students that are requesting a session will need to CC Mrs. Molden in the intial email to Coach Lovett.

TC Tutors Flyer
TC Tutorial for November
TC Tutorial Schedule November
JTECHS COVID Expectations
Last Modified on November 19, 2021