Library Media Center
Casey Library Mission Statement
The mission of the Casey Elementary Library Media Center is to ensure that students are effective users of ideas and information. The library media center strives to provide the school community with a wide range of materials at appropriate levels of difficulty that will encourage growth in knowledge, establish a life-long love of reading, and foster information literacy.
General Information
Priscilla Myles
(601) 987-3510
Insignia to search and browse our online card catalogLibrary Policies
Book Check Out Procedures
Book check-out occurs on the student's library day, and should be returned the following week unless Open Library times are posted. Book care is the student's responsibility. If he or she has forgotten their library book, they may not check out until the overdue book is returned. No late fines are charged, but the student’s check-out privilege is revoked until the overdue book is returned or renewed.
Library Advocacy Committee
Priscilla Myles, Librarian
Members 2024-2025
Helpful Links
- AR Bookfinder
- Mississippi Reading Fair Guidelines
- Library Bill of Rights
- Library of Congress
- GoNoodle
- MAGNOLIA Research Database
- Jackson Hinds Library System
- Mississippi Library Association
- World Book
- Project Gutenberg
- American Library Association
- Resources for School Librarians
Language Arts
- Great Websites for Kids
- Mississippi Department of Education
- 3rd Grade Reading
- 3rd Grade Literacy Tool Kit
- Discovery Education
- Great Websites for Teachers/Parents